Shir Hakavod - Hymn of Glory
attributed to Rabbi Yehudah he-Hasid of Regensburg, d. 1217
גוֹרֱאֶא םירִיִשְׁו
תוֹריִמְז םיִעְנַא
An-im’ z e-mi-rot’ v e-shi-rim’ e- e-rog’
I will compose melodies and songs I will weave
. גוֹרֲעַת יִשְׁפַנ ךָיֶֿלֵא
ki e-lei’-cha naf-shi’ ta- a-rog’.
because to You soul my (she) will yearn for, long for
, ָףֿדֶָי לֵצְבּ הדְָמָח
Naf-shi’ cham-dah’ b e-tsel’ ya-de’-cha
soul my desired in shadow (of) hand Your
. ךָֿדֶוֹס זרָ לָכּ תַעֿדַָל
la-da’-at kol roz so-de’-cha .
to know every mystery (of) secret Your .
ךָֿדֶוֹבְכִבּ ירְִבּדַ
Mi-dei’ dab-ri’ bich-vo-de’-cha
as often as I spoke with glory Your
. ךָיֿדֶוֹדּ לֶא יִבִּל
ho-meh’ li-bi’ el do-dei’-cha .
desires heart my toward “belovedness” Your.
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 47
, תוֹדָבְּכִנ ךְָבּ רֵבּדֲַא
ןֵכּ לַע
Al ken a-da-ber’ b e-cha’ nich-ba-dot’,
therefore I will speak with You words of praise, glorious things
. תוֹדידְִי ירֵיִשְׁבּ
דֵבַּכֲא ךְָמִשְׁו
v e-shim-cha’ a-cha-bed’ b e-shi-rei’ y e-di-dot’.
and name Your I will honor with songs of friendship/love.
. ךָיִֿתיִארְ אלְֹו
ךָדְוֹבְכ הרְָפַּסֲא
A-sap-rah’ ch e-vod-cha’ v e-lo’ r e-i-ti’-cha.
I will tell honor/glory Your and not I have seen You .
ךָיִֿתְּעדְַי אלְֹו
ךְָנַּכֲא ךְָמּדֲַא
A-dam-cha’ a-cha-n e-cha’ v e-lo’ y
e-da- e-ti’-cha.
I will imagine You I will name You but not I know You .
, ךָיֿדֶָבֲע דוֹסְבּ
ךָיֶֿאיִבְנ דַיְבּ
Be-yad’ n e-vi-ei’-cha b e-sod’ a-va-dei’-cha
with hand prophet Your with secret of service Your
ךָֿדֶוֹה דוֹבְכּ רדֲַה
di-mi’-ta h a-dar’ k e-vod’ ho-de’-cha
You allegorized splendor of honor of glory Your
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 47
, ךֶָֿתרָAבְגA ךְָתָלּדְֻג
Ge-du-lat-cha’ u-g e-vu-ra-te’-cha ,
greatness Your and strength Your ,
. ךֶָֿתָלֻּעְפּ ףקֶֹֿתְל
ki-nu’ l e-to’-kef p e-u-la-te’-cha
they named for power, might of deeds Your
, ךְָשֶׁי יִפְכ אלְֹו
ךְָתוֹא Aמּדִ
Di-mu’ ot-cha’ v e-lo’ ch e-fi’
they imagined You (d.o.) but not according to there is You (as
really are)
. ךָיֶֹֿשֲעַמ יִפְל
va-y e-sha-vu’-cha l e-fi’ ma- a-sei’-cha
and they made You like according to works Your
, תוֹנוֹיְזֶח ברְֹבּ ךָAֿליִשְׁמִה
Him-shi-lu’-cha b e-rov’ chez-yo-not’,
They compared You with many visions,
. תוֹנוֹיְמּדִ לָכְבּ
דָחֶא ךְָנִּה
hin-cha’ e-chad’ b e-chol’ dim-yo-not’.
behold You (are) One in every metaphor.
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, תAרֲחַבA הָנקְִז ךְָב
va-ye-ch e-zu’ b e-cha’ zik-nah’ u-va-ch
and they imagined in You old age and youth,
. תAרֲחַשְׁו הָביֵֹשבּ
ךְָשׁארֹ רַעְֹשA
u-s e-ar’ rosh-cha’ b e-sei-vah’ v e-sha-ch
and hair of head Your as gray haired and black haired
, ברָקְ םוֹיְבּ תAרֲחַבA
ןיּדִ םוֹיְבּ הָנקְִז
Zik-nah’ b e-yom’ din u-va-ch a-rut’
b e-yom’ k e-rav’
old age in day of judgment and youth in day of battle
. ברָ וֹל וידָָי תוֹמָחְלִמ
K e-ish’ mil-cha-mot’ ya-dav’ lo rav.
like a man of war hands His for Him (are) mighty
וֹשׁארְֹבּ הָעAשְׁי עַבֹֿכּ
Cha-vash’ ko’-va y e-shu-ah’ b e-ro-sho’
bound up helmet, hat of salvation on head His
. וֹשׁדְקָ ַעוֹֿרְזA וֹניִמְי
וֹל הָעיִשׁוֹה
ho-shi’-ah lo y e-mi-no’ u-z e-ro’-a
helped (for) Him right hand His and arm holy His
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, אָלְמִנ וֹשׁארֹ תוֹרוֹא
Ta-l e-lei’ o-rot’ ro-sho’ nim-la’
covered with a dew of light head His is filled
. הָלְיָֿל יֵסיִֿסרְ
k e-vu-tzo-tav’ r e-si-sei’ lai’-lah
curls, locks of hair His (are) sprinkles of rain of night.
, יִבּ ץֵפָח יִכּ יִבּ רֵאָפְּתִי
Yit-pa-er’ bi ki cha-fetz’ bi ,
He will glory in me because He delights, takes pleasure in me
. יִבְצ תרֶֶֿטֲעַל
יִלּ הֶיְהִי אAהְו
v e-hu’ yi-h e-yeh’ li la- a-te’-ret
tz e-vi’.
and He will be to me for a crown (of) beauty, glory
, וֹשׁארֹ תAמּדְ זָפּ רוֹהָט
Ke’-tem ta-hor’ paz d e-mut’ ro-sho’,
gold pure pure gold, (is) image of head His
refined gold
. וֹשׁדְקָ םֵשׁ דוֹבְכּ
חַצֵֿמ לַע קַחְו
v e-chak’ al me’-tzach k e-vod’ shem
and engraved upon brow, forehead stately (is) name holy His
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, הרָָאְפִת יִבְצ דוֹבָכְלA
L e-chen’ u-l e-cha-vod’ tz e-vi’ tif-a-rah’
for favor and for honor glory splendor
. הרָָטֲע הרְָטִּע וֹל
u-ma-to’ lo i-t e-rah’ a-ta-rah’ .
Truth (f.) His for Him she crowned a crown.
, תוֹרֻחְב יֵמיִבְכּ
וֹשׁארֹ תוֹפְלְחַמ
Mach-l e-fot’ ro-sho’ k e-vi-mei’ v
hairs of head His (are) like in days of youth
. תוֹרוֹחְשׁ םיִלַּתְּלַתּ
k e-vu-tzo-tav’ tal-ta-lim’ sh e-cho-rot’.
locks of hair His (are) curls black
, וֹתּרְַאְפִת יִבְצ
קדֶֶֿצַה הֵוְנ
Ne-veh’ ha-tze’-dek tz e-vi’ tif-ar-to’,
dwelling place of the righteous One (is) glory of splendor His
. וֹתָחְמִֹש שׁארֹ לַע
אָנּ הֶלֲעַי
ya- a-leh’ na al rosh sim-cha-to’.
He will raise (it) please, we pray toward head, summit of happiness
(We pray that it is the thing that will make Him the happiest.)
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, תרֶֶֿטֲע וֹדָיְב יִהְתּ
Se-gu-la-to’ t e-hi’ v e-ya-do’ a-te’-ret,
treasure His you will be in hand His a crown
. תרֶֶֿאְפִת יִבְצ
הָכAלְמ ףיִנְצA
utz-nif’ m e-lu-chah’ tz e-vi’ tif-e’-ret
and headdress, turban of kingship (is) glory of splendor
, םדְָנִּע תרֶֶֿטֲע
םָאָֹשְנ םיִסAמֲע
A-mu-sim’ n e-sa-am’ a-te’-ret i-n e-dam’
they carried carried them a crown bound around them ,
. םדְָבִּכּ ויָניֵעְב
Aרקְָי רֶשֲׁאֵמ
me- a-sher’ yak-ru’ v e-ei-nav’ ki-b
than precious in eyes His (is) honor their
(more precious than)
, ויָלָע ירִֵאְפA יַלָע
P e-e-ro’ a-lai’ uf- e-ri’ a-lav’,
glory His (is) upon me and glory my (is) upon Him,
. ויָלֵא יִארְקְָבּ
יַלֵא בוֹרקְָו
v e-ka-rov’ e-lai’ b e-kar-i’ e-lav’
and near to me as I call to Him.
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48~~~1998 Siddur Sim Shalom, p.186
, םוֹדָא וֹשׁAבְלִל םוֹדָאְו
tzach v e-a-dom’ li l-vu-sho’ a-dom’
dazzling, bright and red for garment His red
. םוֹדֱאֵמ וֹאוֹבְבּ וֹכרְדְָבּ
pu-rah’ b e-dar-cho’ b e-vo-o’ me- e-dom’
a wine press in way His in coming His from Edom
וָנָעֶל הָארְֶה ןיִלִּפְתּ
ke’-sher t e-fi-lin’ her-ah’ le-a-nav’
a knot of tefillin he showed to humble one
This alludes to Moshe being shown G-d’s back, where the
tefillin knot would be on
the back of the head.
. ויָניֵע דֶגֶֿנְל
יי תַנAמְתּ
t e-mu-nat’ Adonai l e-ne’-ged ei-nav’
likeness, image of Adonai in front of eyes his (Moshe)
, רֵאָפְי םיִוָנֲע
וֹמַּעְב הֶצוֹר
ro-tzeh’ v e-a-mo’ a-na-vim’ y e-fa-er’
He desires (in) people His the humble He will glorify
. רֵאָפְּתִהְל םָבּ תוֹלִּהְתּ
yo-shev’ t e-hi-lot’ bam l e-hit-pa-er’.
He dwells (in) psalms in them to glory.
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, שׁארֵֹמ ארֵוֹק תֶמֱא
ךָרְָבּדְ שׁארֹ
Rosh de-var-cha’ e-met’ ko-re’ me-rosh’,
First (head) of word Your truth reads from first/beginning
. שׁוֹרּדְ ךְָשׁרֶוֹדּ םַע
רוֹדָו רוֹדּ
dor va-dor’ am do-resh-cha’ d e-rosh’.
generation and generation people (who) seek You study
, ךָיֶֿלָע אָנ ירַיִשׁ
ןוֹמֲה תיִשׁ
Shiit ha-mon’ shi-rai’ na a-lei’-cha,
Place many of songs my please upon You,
. ךָיֶֿלֵא ברַקְִתּ
v e-ri-na-ti’ tik-rav’ e-lei’-cha.
and song of prayer my You will bring close to You.
, תרֶֶֿטֲע ךְָשׁארְֹל
יִהְתּ יִתָלִּהְתּ
t e-hi-la-ti’ t e-hi’ l e-ro-sh e-cha’
song of praise, psalm my will be for head Your a crown
. תרֶֹֿטקְ ןוֹכִּתּ יִתָלִּפְתA
u-t e-fi-la-ti’ ti-kon’ k e-to’-ret.
and prayer my will go straight, direct smoke from a sacrifice
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, ךָיֶניֵעְבּ שׁרָ תרַיִשׁ
ti-kar’ shi-rat’ rash b e-ei-nei’-cha,
will be precious song of beggar, poor man in eyes Your
. ךָיֶנָּבּרְקָ לַע רַשׁAי
ka-shir’ yu-shar’ al kor-bo-nei’-cha.
like a song (which) will be sung over sacrifices, offerings Your
, ריִבְּשַׁמ שׁארְֹל הֶלֲעַת
bir-cha-ti’ ta- a-leh’ l e-rosh’ mash-bir’,
blessing my will be elevated to head of one who brought to birth
. ריִבַּכּ קיּדִַצ דיִלוֹמA
me-cho-lel’ u-mo-lid’ tza-dik’ ka-bir’.
beginner/creator and sire righteous one great, tremendous
, שׁארֹ יִל עַנֲעַנְת
u-v e-vir-cha-ti’ t e-na- a-na’ li rosh ,
and with blessing my You will shake/nod to me head
. שׁארֹ םיִמָֹשְבִכּ
ךְָל חקַ הָּתוֹאְו
v e-o-tah’ kach l e-cha’ kiv-sa-mim’
and she(my blessing) You took for yourself like fragrance head,best,
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 48
, ךָיֶֿלָע יִחיִֹש
אָנ ברֱַעֶי
Ye- e-rav’ na si-chi’ a-lei’-cha,
will be pleasing, sweeet please, I pray You meditation my to You
. ךָיֶֿלֵא גוֹרֲעַת
יִשְׁפַנ יִכּ
ki naf-shi’ ta- a-rog’ e-lei’-cha.
because soul my (she) will yearn for toward You.
1985 Siddur Sim Shalom, p. 47-48