of Dom Guigo the Carthusian to Brother Gervase about the Contemplative Life
To Brother Gervase from his dear friend, Brother Guy:
Greeting and joy in the Lord! I am bound to love you
for the love which you first showed to me, and I owe you a letter in return for yours. I send you, therefore, these thoughts
of mine concerning the spiritual way which monks should follow. I send them that you may judge and correct my work, for you
know much more about the matter than I do, since you know it by experience and I only by study. I owe you some return for
all you have done for me. You stole me, O happy theft, from the slavery of Egypt and the delights of the wilderness,
to make me a soldier in the ordered army of God. I was a shoot of wild olive , and you cut me off skilfully and wisely grafted
me on to the fruitful tree. The first-fruits of my toil are yours by right, and to you I now offer them.
Ladder of Four Rungs By Which We May Well Climb to Heaven
The First Chapter: Of the Four Rungs
in General
When I was at hard at work one day, thinking on the spiritual work needful for God's servants,
four such spiritual works came to my mind, these being: reading; meditation; prayer; contemplation. This is the ladder for
those in cloisters, and for others in the world who are God's Lovers, by means of which they can climb from earth to heaven.
It is a marvellously tall ladder, but with just four rungs, the one end standing on the ground, the other thrilling into the
clouds and showing the climber * heavenly secrets.
This is the ladder Jacob saw, in Genesis, that stood on the earth
and reached into heaven, on which he saw heavenly angels ascending and descending, with God leaning upon the ladder. From
the ascending and descending of the angels is understood that the heavenly angels delight us with much spiritual comforting
and carry our prayers up to our Lord in heaven, where he sits on high, and bring back down from him the desire of our hearts,
as is proved by Daniel. By God's supporting the ladder is understood that he is always ready to help all who by these four
rungs of this ladder will climb wisely, not fearing nor doubting that such a ladder will really help us.
now what the four staves of this ladder are, each in turn. Reading, Lesson, is busily looking on Holy Scripture with all one's
will and wit. Meditation is a studious insearching with the mind to know what was before concealed through desiring proper
skill. Prayer is a devout desiring of the heart to get what is good and avoid what is evil. Contemplation is the lifting up
of the heart to God tasting somewhat of the heavenly sweetness and savour. Reading seeks, meditation finds, prayer asks, contemplation
feels. Vnde querite et accipietis: pulsate et aperietur vobis. That is to say 'Seek and you shall find: knock and the
door will be opened for you'. That means also, seek through reading, and you will find holy meditation in your thinking; and
knock through praying, and the doors shall be opened to you to enter through heavenly contemplation to feel what you desire.
Reading puts as it were whole food into your mouth; meditation
chews it and breaks it down; prayer finds its savour; contemplation is the sweetness that so delights and strengthens. Reading
is like the bark, the shell; meditation like the pith, the nut; prayer is in the desiring asking; and contemplation is in
the delight of the great sweetness. Reading is the first ground that that precedes and leads one into meditation; meditation
seeks busily, and also with deep thought digs and delves deeply to find that treasure; and because it cannot be attained by
itself alone, then he sends us into prayer that is mighty and strong. And so prayer rises to God, and there one finds the
treasure one so fervently desires, that is the sweetness and delight of contemplation. And then contemplation comes and yields
the harvest of the labour of the other three through a sweet heavenly dew, that the soul drinks in delight and joy.
first degree is for beginners, the second for those profitting from it, the third for those who are devout, the fourth for
those who are holy and blessed of God. The four degrees are so bound together, and each of them so ministering together to
each other, that the first as reading and meditation helps only a little or nought all, without those that follow it, such
as prayer and contemplation. Also without the first two we delay winning the last two. What use to spend your time in reading
or listening to the deeds of the Holy Fathers, unless we bite and chew on them through meditation, and draw out somewhat and
swallow it and send it to the heart, so that we may find, and by this understand, our own defaults, and after such knowing
that we set ourselves to work that we may attain those virtues that were in them? But how may we thus think or take care that
no false or unclean thought pass the boundaries set by our Holy Fathers but if we first either through hearing or in reading
be so lawfully taught. Also what does it help a man if he see through meditation what he ought to do unless he through the
help of prayer and of God's grace do what he can to win and to hold what he has found in meditation, and understand what he
must do for his soul's health? For as the Apostle James says: 'All good gifts and all perfection comes from above from the
Father of Light', without whose help we are unable to do any good.
But the good that is in us, if there be any, he
does it in us, but not without us, for as Paul says: 'Cooperatores Dei sumus'. That is, we are God's helpers for our
good; that is, we open our hearts when he sends us goodness through his grace, and do what is in us to keep and to hold it.
But because we may do nothing in repayment, nor for our soul's health, except through his grace, it is therefore somewhat
needful to speak of God's grace in this little book.
You shall understand there are three graces from God.
first is a common grace given by God to all creatures. And this is God's help that he through his goodness gives to all creatures
after their kind that they may move and feel, and without his grace they may do nothing, nor in the kind last or endure. For
as you just as does water, when it is hot through the force of fire, when fire is removed from it, it ceases to stay warm
and naturally it cold; just so is it with each creature and St Augustine notes. For as all creatures are and are made of nought,
unless they are sustained and preserved by his grace, soon they will become nought again. St Paul understood that well when
he said, 'Gracia Dei sum id quod sum'; as if he said, 'That I am, that I am alive, that I see, feel, or go, or stand,
all is from God's grace'.
There is another grace from God, and this is more special. And this grace God only gives
to us, to take if we will. And this grace stands always at the door of our heart, and knocks upon our free will to ask to
enter, as it says in the Book of Secrets: 'Lo, I stand at the door and knock. Whoever hears my voice and opens the door to
me, I shall enter to him, and I shall dine with him and he with me'. Behold here, the gentleness of our Lord who offers himself
so humbly of his merciful grace. And this grace is called the grace of God's free gift to us. We need to receive this grace
when God sends it, and dispose ourselves with the help of this second grace that we may be worthy to receive the gift of the
Holy Spirit, that moves us to good and recalls us from evil.
You will understand that for the health of our souls
two things are necessary: the first is grace, of which we shall now speak, and the other is free will. Without these two no
human creature may achieve soul health for ought that is in us. For free will cannot help without grace, nor grace without
free will's help and consent. This St Augustine notes where
he says: 'Qui creauit te sine te non iustificabit te sine te'. That is to say, 'He who made you without you', that is, without
your help, 'cannot justify you without your help'. And though our free will cannot make grace in us, nevertheless we may do
what is in us - cast out the old, which is the old corruptible sin that draws us from grace, and so make us ready that we
may receive this grace. As you see that you may not through your own strength make the house be light, yet you may open the
window and let the sun shine in to show its light; and if you close your eyes against the sun, who is to blame if you see
nought? And if you will not open your mouth to take food, you complain wrongly if you are hungry. God says to you, 'Take heed,
if you will open your mouth I will fill it' That means, 'Open your heart to me, and I will fill it with my grace'. And therefore
we are greatly to blame who lack this grace, for St Augutine said, 'We lack not grace because God has not given it'. that
means, we do not what is in us to receive it, for if we did, the grace of God would come to us to dwell in us. Therefore St Augustine says, 'Deus ingenti liberalitate replet omnes creaturas
pro captu earum'. That is to say, God through his great freedom, so free and so generous that he fills all creatures according
as they are able to receive. Therefore if we who are moved and called to this grace will open open the gates of our heart
and with our free will grant it entry freely he will dwell wholy with us and make us to be in work his true companion. And
therefore the apostle says, 'Gracia Dei in me vacua non fuit'. That is, 'The grace of God was not void in me'. No more
it was, for he showed in his outer works that the grace of God wrought in him. He does so utterly with all those with whom
he makes his dwelling, for he may not be idle, for he must doo ther work for which the Father of Heaven sent him. Of this
grace St Augustine spoke and said, 'This grace is ever ready
to me, if it finds me ready. Where ever I go, he never leaves me, unless I leave him first'.
God is as a partner in
half getting God's works, and works with us as a partner who will profit. He gives his grace, and we our works, as merchants
who will profit from what they have coming to them. And he marvellously challenges the love and respect that he has of us,
but we as false wretches cheat him fraudulently. And we think we gain all, and we lose all, for we do injury and fraud, we
give our love to the devil and our respect to the world and the flesh, and so our love is withdrawn from our gracious partner.
As John says in his Epistle, 'Nolite diligere mundum neque ea que in mundo sunt'. That is to say, 'Do not love the
things of this world'. Whoever loves the world, the charity of the Father is not in him, for all that is in the world is covetousness
of flesh and covetousness of eye and pride of life, which is not of the Father but of the world. And the world shall pass,
and covetousness of it. These things are beloved contrary to the counsels of our Lord God and partner. And we defraud him
of his part that he bought at such great price, that is with the blood of the undefiled Lamb, Christ Jesus. We separate ourselves
from the bliss of our Lord wilfully, just like the hound that carried a cheese to the water bank, and as he looked in the
water he saw a shadow of the cheese and he opened his mouth to take it and it fell from him. And God says to such people through
Isaiah the Prophet, ' Gloriam meam alteri non dabo'. That is, 'My loving and my worship I shall give to none other but to
them, that is to say, who are my true servants'. Be then, man, to God as a true partner and let him have his share.
third grace is more special, for this is not given to all men, but only to those who open the gates of their heart, and their
free will ready to receive this grace that is described here. This grace is the gift of the Holy Spirit that moves us to do
good deeds. This grace God gives to us that through it we may gain merit. Without this grace nothing is worthy that we do.
This graces rises out of three, the first grace that is freely given that moves the will freely, the other is the assenting
of that will, and the third is God making and giving this grace. This grace is the token of God's special love to those whom
he sends it. This grace makes us patient in all angryness and meekly endure the loss of goods, loss of worldly friends, bodily
harms, sicknesses and penance to remove sin without grudging. This makes us continue in goodness, this makes us wary of evil
and to know all good. This God gives her to us as an earnest of the endless bliss if we will hold to it. Therefore by this
grace the angels speaks in the Book of Secrets thus, 'Tene quod habes'. 'That is, 'Hold what you have'. As if he said,
'If you will have that joy that is endless, hold fast to that grace that God has sent to you, for this grace leads to bliss.
The Second Chapter: How the Four Rungs are Closely
Joined Together
But God wills that we pray for this blessed grace, and he wills that we open the door of
our heart to his coming, and that is that we assent with our free will to receive his grace. This consent Christ Jesus asked
of the Samaritan woman to whom he spoke at the well, as she stood there to draw water, to whom he said: 'Go, and call your
husband', as if he had said, 'I will give you my grace if you will assent with your own will.' Also, he asked prayer of her
when he said, 'If you knew God's gift, and who he is who says to you "Give me drink", perhaps you would ask of him and he
would give to you living water'.
When the woman heard Jesus' words, she thought in her heart that it was good and
needful to drink of this precious living water of which Christ spoke. And immediately with great desire she prayed to have
this water and said, 'Lord, give me this water'. See now how hearing of Christ's word and following that meditation with deep
thought in her heart moved her to pray for this water. How should she have been so moved to pray unless the meditation of
her heart had stirred her to this? Or what should the former thought of meditation have brought to her, unless the prayer
that followed had won of Christ what she desired? If you will have your meditation richly rewarded you must pray with devotion,
through which you may win to the sweetness of contemplation.
Through this then you may understand that reading without
meditation is idle, meditation without prayer is without effect, but prayer with devotion wins contemplation. To win to the
high ladder of contemplation without prayer, would be miraculous. The power of Almighty God is endless, and his mercy above
all his works. Another time he raises of the hard stones Abraham's sons, when he moves and stirs those who are as hard as
stones in wickedness to love God. And so as they say, 'He gives the ox by the horn'. That is when he called offers his grace
and, neither sought nor desired, joins himself to them. If we read that this can happen so to any, such as to St Paul, nevertheless
we should not tempt God and trust that God will do so to us we lying in sin. But we should do what we should - read and set
deeply our hearts on God's holy law, and heartily pray him that he help our feebleness, and that he would with the eyes of
his mercy see our wretchedness, and always hold ourselves unworthy and wretches. We must ever mistrust ourselves, and lean
on him with hearty love, making our moan to him, for to that blessed Lord is the cure of our souls. As Peter said, 'Omnem
sollicitudinam nostram projicientes in eum, quoniam ipsi cura est de nobis'. And therefore he comforts us and says, 'Petite
et accipietis'. That is, 'Travail with holy love after my grace, and you shall have what you desire. This grace we must win
with strength. Lo, now I have told you the properties and the four degrees of the four staves of this wonderful ladder.
be all who leave vanities and spend their time and occupation in these counsels, and those that sell all and buy the field
in which lies the surpassing treasure of sweetness. As our Lord says, 'Vacate et videte quam suavis est Dominus'. That is,
'Think only and see how sweet God our Saviour is. Thus should we climb by this ladder from degree to degree, from stair to
stair, and from virtue to virtue, until we see the God of gods in Sion, that is, in the bliss of heaven.
The Third Chapter: Of the First and Second Rungs: Reading and Meditation
In Matthew Christ says, 'Beati mundo corde, quoniam
ipsi Deum videbunt'. Lo, this is a little word, but it is of much virtue and sweetness, and of great effect, and makes
way to life. When we hear this little word with our bodily ears, and with the ghostly ears of our heart we have seen it, he
speaks to our soul and says, 'It seems that this word may make way to God. I will' - we say - 'try in my heart to seek with
his guidance how I may understand and win to this cleanness. For a rich thing it is, and truly it makes them that have it
win to the bliss of heaven. And Christ himself promises us that we shall see God, which sight only is the fulfilling of all
joy to all who are the *Friends of God .'
When we hear or read this lesson, 'Beati mundo corde, quoniam ipsi Deum
videbunt' - that is to say, 'Blessed are they who are clean in heart for they shall see God' - we begin to chew it and
break it with mind and reason, and seeks busily how we may come to this cleanness that is so precious and so mighty that it
makes those who have it to see God.
Then meditation goes and searches quickly and finds truly that this so. He does
not say, 'Blessed be those of clean body, but those that be of clean heart', for it is not enough to have one's hands clean
from evil deeds unless the heart be clean within of thoughts. Therefore David asks in the Psalter when he says, ' Quis
ascendit in montem Domini aut quis stabit in loco sanctis ejus?' And there it is immediately answered, 'Innocens manibus
et mundo corde' That is to say, 'Who shall climb or ascend into the hill of God,' that is in heaven, 'or who shall stand
in that holy place?' - that is, there to see God in his Godhead. The Holy Ghost in David says and answers, 'Those who do no
evil with their hands and whose hearts are clean within'. Yet in meditation we think deeply how the same prophet David, God's
darling, fervently prayed for this cleanness, where he says, 'Cor mundum crea in me, Deus'. 'Lord', he says, 'make
in me a clean heart'. And we also say, 'Iniquitatem si aspexi in corde meo, non exaudiet Dominus deprecationem meam'.
That is to say, 'If I know any wickedness in my heart, God will not hear my prayer'. We think about the holy man, Job, how
fearful he was that he were not filled with foul thought, when he said, 'Pepigi foedus cum oculis meis no cogitarem de
virgine'. That is, 'I have made a covenant with my eyes that I should not think of a woman or of a virgin'. Lo, how strictly
that holy man restrained himself who shut his eyes that he should see no vanities, that he not cast his eyes unwisely on the
thing that might cause foul love to rise and to undo the cleanness of his heart.
When he is thus afraid of losing
this cleanness through vain sight, he begins to taste the great reward that rises that is so delectable, so joyful, to see
the glorious face of God, that is fairest before all that ever were - not loathly, grisly, and deadly, as our deadly sins
make him, but goodly, gracious and lovely and crowned with all joy and clothed with all bliss, as his Father clothed him at
his Resurrection. He thinks that in this fairest sight shall be all perfection of joy, of which the prophet said, 'Saciabor
cum apparuerit gloria tua'. That is, 'Lord, I shall be fulfilled of all manner of joy when you show your glorious face
to me', and surely not before then. Then when he sees that so much sweetness comes from so little a word, how much fire is
kindled from so little a spark as that is - Beati mundo corde : Blessed be the clean of heart - he beats it out, hot
as it is, and draws it out in length and breadth.
When the soul of a glowing brand of this fire is enflamed and so
ravished in desire to that thing that is the true reward to the cleanness of heart, that is, to see God, then the alabaster
box with sweet ointment begins to break, and soon he senses the sweet smells come forth. But not with tasting, but as it were
with smelling, he understands the sweet savour, and it is joyful to feel this sweetness. Truly it is said in the meaning of
this, that we find in such seeking.
But what shall we do who desire to feel this delight, and find we may not have
it by ourselves. For the more we sustain our meditation on this, the more sorrow we find, because we cannot find the sweetness
of the cleanness of heart. Meditation shows him, but does not give to him, for neither through reading nor through meditation's
thinking can we come to this sense of sweetness, but through the gift that comes from above. Always to be reading and being
in meditation is common to both good and to evil: for the philosophers through exercise of their reason found that thing was
the goodness of God, but because they did not know God and his goodness, nor loved him, nor worshipped him as God, were unworthy
to have this sweetness and the liking of God that would have come of that knowing, and therefore God withheld from them as
unworthy. And so all went to nought. That study of our intelligence does not give us the spirit of wisdom, the spiritual gives
intelligence and savour to the soul to which it comes, and stirs us with liking, and furthers us with spiritual joy. And this
only is spiritual joy and the gift of God and teaching to his chosen disciples. This knowledge is taught by nothing but grace
that comes from above. To this wisdom we must open not the ear but the heart. This wisdom is hid from wise men of the world,
and shown and opened to the lowly and meek, truly to understand and to feel.
Great strength arises out of humility
that is worthy to conceive and win what through our intelligence may not be learned, nor heard with bodily ear, nor told with
tongue. This wisdom God keeps only for his chosen, that all reasonable creatures may know and understand there is a Master
teaching and reading in heaven, who teaches true wisdom and learning to his chosen scholars, and through his grace enlightens
them within, and makes them know and feel what no worldly intelligence may gain. You may see this if you will behold how a
simple old poor woman who is of little intelligence, who cannot truly say either the Lord's Prayer or the Creed, will find
such liking in so short a time, in innocent sorrow her heart all melts, and without tears and mourning she may not pray.
do you think, taught her how to pray so? Not this world's wisdom but grace from above. See, too, how a poor innocent man who
lives by his toil, who is so dull of wit that though he should lose his head he would not stop thinking, may gain this learning
and this wisdom as perfectly, if he do what is in him, as the wisest in the land, whosoever he be. Truly he may well be called
a Master over all others that bear this name who without wisdom can thus teach wisdom, so that without intelligence they may
feel and understand what we may reach to with no wisdom of this world. But we must do what is to be done, and bow the ear
of our heart to listen to this learning.
This wisdom is only the gift of God that he has kept to himself to give to
those whom he will. Even as God has given the office of christening children to many, but the power in baptism to forgive
sin - this he keeps to himself alone. Therefore St John says,
'Here is he who baptises truly' - that is to say truly forgives sin. Thus may we say of him that it is our God, he who gives
wisdom to feel and to taste how sweet he is. Many there are who the grace of word; but this grace is given only to few. That
God gives to whom he will and when he will.
The Fourth
Chapter: Of the Third and Fourth Rungs: Prayer and Contemplation
Then when we see that to the knowing
or to the feeling of this wisdom we may not come nor reach by ourselves, and the more we think to travail to climb there,
the more we see what the Godhead does, then we see our strength and our intelligence are nought, and we begin to know ourself,
and as a poor needy wretch we humble ourself and fall down meekly with a lowly heart to pray, and say,
'Lord, you
will not be seen, but by those who are clean of heart. I have done what is in me to do, read and thought deeply and searched
what it is and in what manner I might best come to this cleanness that I might somewhat know you. Lord, I have sought and
thought with all my poor heart; and, Lord, in my meditation the fire of desire kindles to know you, not only the bitter bark
without, in feeling and tasting in my soul. Lord, this worthiness I ask not for myself, * for I am wretched and sinful and
most unworthy than all others. But as much, Lord, as the puppy eats of the crumbs that fall from the board of the lord, I
ask of the heritage that is to come one drop of the heavenly joy to comfort my thirsty soul that burns in love-longing to
With these and other such desires the heart is enflamed. God is called and prayed as the dear spouse that is
to come to this mourning soul that languishes in love. What does God then, whose help is ever upon the righteous and our ear
at our prayer? He doesn't wait until the prayer is fully ended, but he pierces in the midst of the burning desire of that
thirsty soul, and with a secret balm of heavenly sweetness softens the soul and comforts it, and makes it be so overcome with
delight and joy that it forgets all earthly things for that hour, and he makes it to lose itself in wonder, as if it were
dead from knowing ourself. And as in fleshly works we are so overcome that we lose the guidance of reason and so become all
fleshly, right so in the ladder of contemplation our fleshly stirrings are so cancelled out that the flesh does not win over
the spirit but is become all spiritual.
But, Lord, by what thing may we know when you do this, and what is the token
of your coming? Are sighs and tears the messengers of this liking and comfort? And if it be so, it seems marvellous, it seems
uncommon, that comfort comes with sighs and joy with tears. And it seems they should not be called tears, but a heavenly dew
that comes from above, that moistens without, and cleanses the soul within, as comes about in the sacrament of baptism. The
outer washing with tears means the inner washing. They are innocent tears, through which outer washing the inner spots are
taken away, and the fire of sin is quenched. Blessed are those who weep thus, for Christ says of them they shall laugh. In
these tears the soul recognizes God, its true Spouse. This is the solace your loving Spouse gives to you, sighs mingled with
tears. But, dearworthy Lord, since these sighs and these tears are so sweet that come from you and liking of great joy, what
joy, Lord, and comfort shall your lovers and your chosen have of you when they shall know you and see you as you are! But
how of a thing that is so hidden and so unknown can we speak to others that they may understand, since none can understand
it unless they have felt it, as those to whom God has sent to a joy and liking of him as to taste here what kind he is and
shall be in sweetness to his lovers without end? For all that men read and may hear in books that ought to be read, is unsavoury,
unless the heart understands it.
The Fifth Chapter:
That This Grace Comes and Goes, for our Good
Now, my soul, we have talked of this at length. It seems
good and merry for us to be here with Peter and John, to have mirth and joy with our Spouse, and make we our dwelling here
with him. There is no need to make three tabernacles, for one is enough to shelter us all, in which we may be together and
have our talking in measurable mirth. But what does our Lord say? 'Let me go,' he says, 'for the light of the morning is here'.
The light and the comfort that you desire, you have. After the blessing is given, and the sinews in the loins be dried and
dead, and the name of Jacob turned to Israel, then the spouse who is desired with jealous love, glides away and withdraws
that sweetness that he sent to his lover in contemplation. And he nevertheless is with him, through dearworthy grace and submission
of will, as with his dearworthy spouse.
Therefore do not fear that he has forsaken you, though he is gone for a little
while, for he does all this to keep you and only for your good. This coming and this parting is gain to you, and know well
that through this you gain greatly. He comes to you, and he leaves you. He comes to comfort you, he leaves you that you may
be more wary that you, like the ignorant, for that comfort and liking do not believe that you were intimate with him, and
think that he sends this to you for your holy living, and therefore think well of yourself and so leap into pride.
if your spouse were always with you, you would think less of him. And this liking and this comfort that you take and feel
at different times you would feel it were of nature and not of grace. Therefore know truly that God your dear spouse gives
this grace and this comfort when he will and to whom he will, not as an inheritance to have in this life. For it is said in
English, 'Familiarity breeds contempt'. Therefore he departs from you so that his long stay with you make him not unworthy
to you, and that you when he is departed from you desire him and mourn after him the more heartily, and seek him more quickly
that with more grace you may find him. And if it were so that our spouse let his lovers have here at their will the liking
that he sends them in contemplation, they would have such liking therein that they would the less desire the great liking
that is to come in heaven, that shall last with joyful life without end. Therefore they shall not believe of this exile, that
they are cast in their penance to do, that it were heaven when it is a place of woe. Therefore now our spouse comes and now
he goes, now he brings comfort and now he withdraws it and leaves us in our feebleness to know who we are; and lets us somewhat
feel how sweet he is, but before we may feel him fully he withdraws himself.
The Sixth Chapter: The Similitude of the Taverner
So does God Almighty to his Lovers in contemplation
like a taverner, who has good wine to sell, to good drinkers who will drink well of his wine and spend well. He knows them
well when he sees them in the street. Quietly he goes to them and whispers in their ear and says to them that he has a claret,
and of good taste in the mouth. He entices them to his house and gives them a taste. Soon when they have tasted of it and
think the drink good and greatly to their pleasure, then
They drink all night, they drink all day; And the more they drink, the more they may.
Such liking they have of that drink That of none other wine they think, But only for to drink their fill And
to have of this drink all their will.
so they spend what they have, and then they sell or pawn their coat, their hood and all they may, for to drink with liking
while they think it good.
Thus it fares sometimes with God's lovers that from the time that they had tasted of this
potion, that is, of the sweetness of God, such liking they found in it that as drunken men they spent what they had and gave
themselves to fasting and to watching and to doing other penance. And when they had not more to spend they pledged their clothes,
as apostles, martyrs, and young maidens did in their time. Some gave their bodies to burn in fire, some let their heads be
smitten off, some gave their breasts to be carved from their bodies, and some their bodies to be dragged by wild horses. And
all that they did they set at nought, for the desire of that lasting joy that they fully desired to have in the life that
is without end. But this liking is given here only to taste; but all those who desire fully to have it, need to follow Christ
foot by foot and continually stir him with their loves, as these drinkers do the taverners.
Therefore when God sends
any ghostly liking to your soul, think that God speaks to you, and whispers in your ear, and says: 'Have now this little,
and taste how sweet I am. But if you will fully feel what you often have tasted, run after me and follow the savour of my
ointments. Lift up your heart to me where I am sitting on the right hand of the my Father, and there you shall see me, not
as in a mirror, but you shall see me face to face. And then you shall have fully at your will that joy that you have tasted
for ever without end. And that joy or liking none shall snatch or take from you.
The Seventh Chapter: That We Must Give God our Whole Love
But who ever will taste of this liking
in contemplation and climb the ladder that stands so high, he needs to be Jacob here in this life, that is, he must do all
that his name spells, that is to trample under all worldly wealth, and tread under foot all folly and sins; for the more that
a man casts underfoot, the more it helps him climb or reach on high. And then shall his name be changed to 'Israel', which
in English means 'God he shall see'; through which sight he shall be fulfilled of that liking that passes all other without
comparison. Of this Jacob in the Book of Genesis it tells that the angel wrestled with Jacob and struggled for a long while
to have the mastery. But Jacob as the mighty stalwart withstood and won the mastery. When the angel saw that he might do no
more, he touched the hip of Jacob and the sinews dried, and ever after that time he was lame in the one foot. And so the foot
was benumbed, and his name was turned from Jacob to Israel.
By this Jacob is understood man who is lifted on high in contemplation. Then he struggles with the angel and strives, when
he travails with all his might to know God. But then at the last is the angel overcome and cast under, when man (through deep
thought in a love-longing to know what God is and to feel in contemplation what he desires, conceives and feels in his soul
of this sweetness) and si is overtaken by the liking of him that he sets at nought all the wealth of this world. But what
is the meaning of this, that when the angel saw that he was overcome he touched Jacob upon the hip and the sinews dried? Because
mighty God that can do all things, when he sends his grace to his lovers, would through his grace have them truly know that
by sinews are udnerstood all fleshly desires and other vices. So he takes them and makes them dry as though they were dead.
And they that before went on two feet and that would have liking both in God and in the world, after they have found sweetness
in contemplation, that one foot in their love is whole, and in the other they halt, for worldly love quenches in them and
grows all dry. The love of God is whole and sound, and ever more and more strong. Whosoever stands on the foot stalworthily,
no woe of this world may overcome him. By a foot in Holy Writ is understood love.
But ever, as God's lover, be you
watchful and wary, and understand in what way he withdraws himself from you, your dearworthy spouse. Know well for a truth
that he withdraws himself not from you, though you never see him alike. He sees you, for he is full of eyes before and behind.
You may hide nothing from him. He has set his spies on you that they watch by day and by night how you bear yourself while
your spouse is from you. They are ready to betray you, if they may take you or find any countenance or token in you to any
evil. Your spouse is jealous of you. If you take any other love or make any advances to another, he will soon forsake you
and turn himself away from you, and withold himself from you until you truly love him, for he will have no lover in between.
He will have all or leave all. He will have all your love here, if you in bliss will be his companion. Your spouse is delicious,
most noble and very fair before all those that were ever born from a mother. Therefore he wills nothing but what is honest
and fair. If he sees anything in you of evil, soon he turns away from you his precious sight, as he may no uncleanness suffer
or see. Therefore if you desire to have liking of your spouse, and to have mirth with him at will, you must be modest and
The Eighth Chapter: Beware of Unfaithfulness
be ever wary, whoever you are, once you are raised so high in contemplation that you think for liking to clasp your spouse
with mirth in heaven, lest you from that high stair fall downward to hell and you after that sight of God turn to wanton works
or fleshly lusts.
But since it is so that the meditation of our heart that is ravished on high with spiritual delight
- as happens in contemplation to God's lovers - may feel the feebleness of the flesh that through its heavy weight ever draws
downwards through its heavy burden will not suffer that the liking be fully filled, not let him see the brightness of the
true light. Therefore since we must through the burden of the flesh fall downwards from so high a stair, it is good that we
make our coming down into some of the degrees by which we climbed upwards, warily and gently so that we not hurt ourself,
and rest now in one and now in another, according as our free will stirs us and place or time requires. And as near are you
to God as you climb the higher from the first degrees.
But four causes there are that sometimes draw one downwards
from these degrees. The first is need that cannot be prevented. The second is lovely and honest work. This third is weakness
of nature. The fourth is vanity of this world. The first does not harm, the second may be permitted, the third is wretched,
the fourth requires penance be performed. And this especially in those who have climbed to the highest rung of this ladder,
and of this dearworthy liking have felt wisely, and before others have tasted of that heavenly sweetness, that from such high
freedom have descended so low into the thraldom of this world, to have their liking in it. And where they thought to find
honey, they find bitter gall. Wellaway! We may call this a bitter bargain, for it would be better to have no knowing of God
than after knowing him to leave and go back.
What defence have they against God for their sin? As who should say,
'None'. For God may rightfully argue with them and say, 'What should I do to you and have I not done it? When you were nought,
then I made you. And after that you sinned and made yourself slave who were free, then with the price of myself I bought you
from slavery. And after you ran with the sinful of this world, I caught you from them, and before others gave you my grace,
for I wanted you close to me. And when I would have made my dwelling with you, you shut me out as a stranger from yourself;
and when men spoke my words to you, you lightly caste them behind you, and followed the vanities of the world and the desires
of the flesh.
But, dearworthy Lord, sweet friend, wise counsellor, and so strong a helper, foolish, unwise and unhappy
is he who casts you out, so gentle and so needful, from his heart. Ah, wellaway! How baleful a change is this: our Maker,
our Lover, and All that is, and nought is that is good without him, when we cast him from us, and draw foul and evil thoughts
into us; and that secret abiding of the Holy Spirit, that is in our soul, that a while before was lusting in heavenly mirth,
so soon is cast down to wicked thoughts and to vanity; and there as were the hot foot steps of your spouse, to bring in on
us lecherous desires. It is not seemly that the ears, that right now had heard these words that are not lawful for us to speak,
should stoop to vain tales and to backbiting; and the eyes, that just now were baptized with holy tears, now overturned to
see vanities; and the tongue, that a little before with loving and praising and other love tokens and petitions had drawn
her spouse to her bower and brought him to her chamber, to clasp and kiss him sweetly, should now have her mirths turned one
by one into vanity and to foul speech, to cursing and forswearing and to other jangling.
But would God for his pity
that all such vices and all that were misliking were put away from us; and if it were so that we in any of them did fall or
stumble, that we might soon turn again to our true Physician who heals the sick and comforts the sorry of heart.
him heartily we pray that he help us to do away from us all evils that might hinder us from loving him. Amen.
Scala Celi
And now it is time to end this letter. Therefore let us pray to God that he lessen here and wholly
remove hereafter the hindrances that keep us from his contemplation. May he lead us by the aforesaid rungs until we see the
God of gods in Sion, where the chosen enjoy the sweetness of divine contemplation, not drop by drop, nor now and then, but
where they are ever fulfilled with the torrent of pleasure and have that joy that no one shall take from them, and peace unchangeable,
peace in the selfsame. And do you, Brother Gervase, if it is given to you to climb to the top of the aforesaid ladder, remember
me. And when it shall be well with you, pray for me. So let friend draw friend, and he that heareth, let him say, Come!
Scala Paradisi
Dilecto fratri suo Gervasio
frater Guigo delectari in Domino.
Amare te ex debito teneor,
quia prior me amare incœpisti : et rescribere tibi compellor, quia litteris tuis ad scribendum me prius invitasti.
Quædam ergo quæ de spirituali exercitio Claustralium excogitaveram, transmittere proposui : ut qui talia experiendo melius
quam ego tractando, didicisti, mearum judex sis cogitationum et corrector. Et merito hæc nostri laboris initia tibi primitus
offero, ut novellæ plantationis primitivos fructus colligas : quoniam de servitute Pharaonis, me delicata solitudine
laudabili furto surripiens, in ordinata castrorum acie collocasti ; ramum de oleastro artificiose excisum prudenter inserens
in olivo.
Cum die quadam corporali
manuum labore occupatus, de spiritualis hominis exercitio cogitare cœpissem, quatuor spirituales gradus animo cogitanti
se subito obtulerunt : scilicet, Lectio, Meditatio, Oratio, et Contemplatio. Hæc est Scala Claustralium, qua de terra
in cœlum sublevantur ; gradibus quidem distincta paucis, immensæ tamen et incredibilis magnitudinis. Cujus extrema
pars terræ innixa est ; superior vero nubes penetrat, et secreta cœlorum rimatur. Hi gradus sicut nominibus et numero,
ita ordine et munere sunt distincti. Quorum proprietates et officia quidem singula, quid circa nos efficiant, quomodo inter
se invicem differant et præemineant, si quis diligenter inspiciat, quiquid laboris aut studii impenderit in eis, breve reputabit
et facile, præ utilitatis et dulcedinis magnitudine. Est autem Lectio sedula Scripturarum cum animi intentione inspectio.
Meditatio est studiosa mentis actio, occultæ veritatis notitiam ductu propriæ rationis investigans. Oratio est devota cordis
intentio in Deum pro malis amovendis et bonis adipiscendis. Contemplatio est mentis in Deum suspensæ elevatio, æternæ dulcedinis
gaudia degustans.
Assignatis ergo quatuor graduum
descriptionibus, restat ut eorum officia videamus. Beatæ igitur vitæ dulcedinem lectio inquirit, meditatio invenit, oratio
postulat, contemplatio degustat. Unde ipse Dominus dixit : Quærite, et invenietis : pulsate et aperietur vobis.
(Mt 7.7). Quærite legendo, et invenietis meditando : pulsate orando, et aperietur vobis contemplando. Lectio quasi solium
cibum ori apponit : meditatio masticat et frangit : oratio saporem acquirit : contemplatio est ipsa dulcedo
quæ jucundat et reficit. Lectio in cortice, meditatio in adipe, oratio in desiderii postulatione, contemplatio in adeptæ dulcedinis
delectatione. Quod ut expressius videri possit, unum de multis supponam exemplum. In lectione audio : Beati mundo
corde, quoniam ipsi Deum videbunt (Mt 5.8). Ecce breve verbum, sed suavi et multiplici sensu refertum. Ad pastum animæ
quasi uvam ministravit, quam postquam anima diligenter inspexit, dicit intra se : potest aliquid boni esse. Redibo ad
cor meum et tentabo si forte intelligere invenire potero munditiam hanc. Pretiosa enim et desiderabilis est res ista, cujus
possessores beati dicuntur, quibus visio Dei, quæ est vita æterna, promittitur, quæ tot sacræ Scripturæ testimoniis collaudatur.
Hoc ergo sibi plenius explicari desiderans, incipit hanc uvam masticare et frangere, namque quasi in torculari ponit :
deinde excitat rationem ad inquirendum quid sit, et quomodo haberi possit hæc adeo pretiosa et desiderabilis munditia.
Accendens ergo sedula Meditatio,
non remanet extra, non hæret in superficie, ulterius pedem figit. Interiora penetrat, singula rimatur : attende considerat
quod non dixit, Beati mundo corpore, sed corde : quia non sufficit manus habere innoxias a malo opere,
nisi a pravis cogitationibus mundemur in mente. Quod auctoritate Prophetæ confirmatur dicentis : quis ascendet in
montem Domini, aut quis stabit in loco sancto ejus ? Innocens manibus et mundo corde. (Ps 23). Item considerat quantum
hanc cordis munditiam optabat idem Propheta, qui orans dicebat : Cor mundum, inquit, crea in me Deus. (Ps
50). Item, Si aspexi iniquitatem in corde meo, non exaudiet Dominus (Ps 65). Cogitat quam sollicitus erat in hac custodia
beatus Job, qui dicebat : Pepigi fœdus cum oculis meis, ne cogitarem quidem de virgine (Job 32). Ecce quantum
arctabat se vir sanctus, qui claudebat oculos suos ne videret vanitatem, ne forte incautus respiceret quod postea invitus
desideraret. Postquam hæc et hujusmodi de cordis munditia pertractavit, incipit cogitare de ejus præmio, quam gloriosum et
delectabile est videre faciem desideratam Domini, speciosi forma præ filiis hominum ; non esse jam abjectum et vilem,
non habentem speciem qua vestivit eum mater sua Synagoga : sed stola immortalitatis indutum, et coronatum diademate,
quo coronavit eum Pater suus in die resurrectionis et gloriæ, die quam fecit Dominus. Cogitat quod in illa visione erit satietas
illa, de qua dicit Propheta : Satiabor cum apparuerit gloria tua (Ps 16).
Videsne quantum liquoris
emanavit ex minima uva ; quantus ignis ex hac scintilla ortus est, quantum hæc modica massa, Beati mundo corde, quoniam
ipsi Deum videbunt, (Mt 5) in incude meditationis extensa est ? Sed quantum adhuc posset extendi, si accederet aliquis
talia expertus ! Sentio enim quod puteus altus est : sed ego adhuc rudis tiro, in quo pauca hæc haurirem vix inveni.
His anima facibus inflamata,
his incitata desideriis, fracto alabastro, suavitatem unguenti præsentire incipit, necdum gustu; sed quasi narium odoratu.
Et hoc colligit quam suave esset hujus munditiæ sentire experientiam, cujus meditationem novit adeo esse jucundam. Sed quid
faciet ? Habendi desiderio æstuat, sed non invenit apud se quomodo habere possit : et quanto plus inquirit, plus
sitit. Dum apponit meditationem, apponit et dolorem : quia sitit dulcedinem, quam in cordis munditia meditatio esse monstrat,
sed non prægustat.
Non enim est legentis atque
meditantis hanc sentire dulcedinem, nisi data fuerit desuper. Legere enim et meditari tam bonis, quam malis commune est. Et
ipsi philosophi gentium in quo summa veri boni consisteret, ductu rationis invenerunt : sed quia cum Deum cognovissent,
non sicut Deum glorificaverunt, et suis viribus præsumentes dicebant : Linguam nostram magnificabimus, labia nostra
a nobis sunt : (Rm 1) Quis noster Dominus est ? (Ps 2) non meruerunt percipere quod potuerunt videre.
Evanuerunt in cogitationibus suis, et omnis eorum sapientia devorata est ; quam eis contulerat humanæ studium disciplinæ,
non spiritus sapientiæ, qui solus dat veram sapientiam, sapidam scilicet scientiam : quæ animam cui inhæsit inæstimabili
sapore jucundat et reficit. Et de illa dictum est : Sapientia non intrabit in malevolam animam (Sap 1). Hæc autem
a solo Deo est. Officium enim baptizandi Dominus concessit multis : potestatem vero et auctoritatem in baptismo remittendi
peccata, sibi soli retinuit. Unde Johannes autonomastice et discretive de eo dixit : Hic est qui baptizat (Jn
1). Sic de eo possumus dicere : Hic est qui sapientiæ saporem dat, et sapidam animam facit. Sermo siquidem datur multis,
sed sapientia paucis : (Cato in distycc.) quam distribuit Dominus cui vult, et quomodo vult.
Videns autem anima quod ad
desideratam congitionis et experientiæ dulcedinem per se non possit attingere, et quanto magis ad cor altum accedit, tanto
magis exaltatur Deus, humiliat se, et confugit ad orationem, dicens : Domine qui non videris nisi a mundis cordibus,
investigavi legendo, meditando, quæsivi quomodo haberi possit vera cordis munditia, ut ea mediante, vel ex modica parte possem
te cognoscere. Quærebam vultum tuum Domine, vultum tuum requirebam. Diu meditata sum in corde meo, et in meditatione mea exarsit
ignis ac desiderium amplius cognoscendi te. Dum panem Sacræ Scripturæ mihi frangis, in fractione panis magna cognitio est :
et quanto plus te cognosco, plus te cognoscere desidero, non jam in cortice litteræ, sed in sensu experientiæ. Nec hoc peto,
Domine, propter merita mea, sed pro tua misericordia. Fateor enim quia indigna et peccatrix sum : sed et catelli edunt
de micis quæ cadunt de mensa dominorum suorum. Da mihi, Domine, arrham hereditatis futuræ, saltem guttam cœlestis pluviæ,
qua refrigerem sitim meam quia amore ardeo.
His et hujusmodi ignitis
eloquiis suum inflammat desiderium : sic ostendit suum affectum. His incantationibus advocat sponsus. Dominus autem,
cujus oculi super justos, et aures ejus non solum ad preces, sed ipsas preces eorum non expectat donec sermonem finierint,
sed medium orationis cursum interrumpens, festinus ingerit se, et animæ desideranti festinus occurrit cœlestis rore dulcedinis
circumfusus, unguentis optimis delibutus ; animam fatigatam recreat, esurientem reficit, aridam impinguat, et facit eam
terrenorum oblivisci, memoria sui eam mirabiliter fortificando, vivificando, et inebriando, ac sobriam reddendo. Et sicut
in quibusdam carnalibus officiis anima adeo vincitur carnali concupiscentia, quod omnem usum rationis amittit, et fit homo
quasi totus carnalis ; ita merito in hac superna contemplatione ita consumuntur et absorbentur carnales motus ab anima,
ut in nullo caro spiritui contradicta, et fait homo quasi totus spirualis.
Sed, o Domino, quomodo comperiemus
quando hæc facis, et quod signum adventus tui ? Numquid hujus consolationis et lætitiæ testes et nuntii sunt suspiria
et lacrymæ ? Si ita est, nova est antiphrasis ista, et significatio inusitata. Quæ enim conventio consolationis ad suspiria,
lætitiæ ad lacrymas ? si tamen ista dicendæ sunt lacrymæ et non potius roris interioris desuper infusi superfluens abundantia,
et ad interioris ablutionis indicium exterioris hominis purgamentum : ut sicut in baptismo puerorum per exteriorem ablutionem
significatur et figuratur interior animæ ablutio ; ita hic e contra exteriorem ablutionem interior præcedat purgatio.
O felices lacrymæ, per quas
maculæ interiores purgantur, per quas peccatorum incendia exstinguuntur ; Beati qui sic lugetis, quia ridebitis. In his
lacrymis agnosce, o anima, sponsum tuum, amplectere desideratum. Nunc te torrente voluptatis inebria, suge ab ubere consolationis
ejus lac et mel. Hæc sunt miranda munuscula et solatia quæ dedit tibi sponsus tuus, gemitus scilicet et lacrymæ. Adducit tibi
potum in his lacrymis in mensura. Hæc lacrymæ sunt tibi panes die ac nocte ; panes utique confirmantes cor hominis, et
dulciores super mel et favum. O Domine Jesu, si adeo sunt dulces istæ lacrymæ, quæ ex memoria et desiderio tui excitantur,
quam dulce erit gaudium quod ex manifesta tui visione capietur ! Si adeo dulce est flere pro te, quam dulce erit gaudere
de te !
Sed quid hujusmodi secreta
colloquia proferimus in publicum ? Cur ineffabiles et inenarrabiles affectus verbis communibus conamur exprimere ?
Inexperti talia non intelligunt, nisi ea expressius legant in libro experientiæ, quos ipsa doceat unctio. Aliter autem littera
exterior non prodest quicquam legenti. Modicum sapida est lectio exterioris litteræ, nisi glossam et interiorem sensum sumat
ex corde.
O Anima, diu protraximus
sermonem. Bonum enim erat nos hic esse, cum Petro et Johanne contemplari gloriam sponsi et diu manere cum illo, si vellet
hic fieri, non duo, non tria tabernacula, sed unum, in quo essemus simul, et simul delectaremur. Sed jam dicit Sponsus :
Dimitte me, (Gn 3) jam enim ascendit aurora ; jam lumen gratiæ et visitationem quam desiderabas accepisti.
Data ergo benedictione, mortificato nervo femoris, et mutato nomine de Jacob in Israël, paulisper secedit Sponsus diu desideratus,
cite elapsus. Subtrahit se tam a prædicta visione, quam a dulcedine contemplationis : manet tamen præsens quantum ad
Sed ne timeas, o sponsa,
ne desperes, ne existimes te contemni, si paulisper tibi subtrahit Sponsus faciem suam. Omnia ista cooperantur tibi in bonum,
et te accessu et recessu lucrum acquiris. Tibi venit, tibi et recedit. Venit ad consolationem, recedit ad cautelam, ne magnitudo
consolationis extollat te ; ne, si semper apud te sit Sponsus, incipias contemnere sodales, et hanc continuam visitationem
non jam gratiæ attribuas, sed naturæ. Hanc autem gratiam cui vult, et quando vult Sponsus tribuit ; non quasi jure hereditario
possidetur. Vulgare proverbium est, quod nimia familiaritas parti contemptum. Recedit ergo, ne forte nimis assiduus contemnatur,
et absens magis desideretur, desideratus avidius quæratur, diu quæsitus tandem gratius inveniatur. Præterea si numquam deesset
hic consolatio (quæ respectu futuræ gloriæ, que revelabitur in nobis, ænigmatica est et ex parte) putaremus forte hic habere
civitatem manentem et minus inquireremus futuram. Ne ergo exsilium deputemus pro patria, arrham pro pretii summa, venit Sponsus
et recedit vicissim ; nunc consolationem afferens, nunc universum stratum nostrum in infirmitatem commutans. Paulisper
nos permittit gustare quam suavis est, et antequam plene sentiamus, se subtrahit : et ita quasi alis expansis supra nos
volitans, provocat nos ad volandum, quasi dicat : Ecce parum gustati quam suavis sum et dulcis, sed si vultis plene saturari
hac dulcedine, currite post me in odore unguentorum meorum, habentes sursum corda, ubi ego sum in dextera Dei Patris. Ibi
videbitis me, non per speculum in ænigmate, sed facie ad faciem : plene gaudebit cor vestrum, et gaudium vestrum nemo
tollet a vobis.
Sed cave tibi, o sponsa :
quando absentat se Sponsus, non longe abibit : et si non vides eum, ipse tamen videt te semper, plenus oculis ante te
retro. Nunquam potes eum latere. Habet etiam circa te nuntios suos spiritus, quasi sagacissimos exploratores, ut videant quomodo
absente Sponso converseris, et accusent te coram ipso, si aliqua signa lasciviæ et scurrilitatis in te deprehenderint. Zelotypus
est Sponsus iste. Si forte alium amatorem receperis, si aliis magis placere studueris, statim discedet a te, et aliis adhærebit
adolescentulis. Delicatus est Sponsus iste, nobilis et dives est, speciosus forma præ filiis hominum, et ideo non nisi speciosam
dignatur habere sponsam. Si viderit in te maculam sive rugam, statim avertit oculos. Nullam enim immunditiam potest sustinere.
Esto ergo casta, esto verecunda et humilis, ut sic a Sponso tuo merearis frequenter visitari.
Timeo ne diutius detinuerit
nos sermo iste : sed ad hæc compulit me materia fertilis pariter et dulcis, quam ego non protrahebam spontaneus, sed
nescio qua ejus dulcedine trahebar invitus.
Ut ergo quæ diffusius dicta
sunt, simul juncta melius videantur, prædictorum summam recapitulando colligamus. Sicut in prædictis exemplis prænotatum est,
videri potest quomodo prædicti gradus cohæreant, et sicut temporaliter, ita et causaliter se præcedant. Lectio enim quasi
fundamentum primo occurrit, et data materia mittit nos ad meditationem. Meditatio vero quid appetendum sit diligentius inquirit,
et quasi effodiens, thesaurum invenit et ostendit. Sed cum per se obtinere non valeat, mittit nos ad orationem. Oratio se
totis viribus erigens ad Dominum, impetrat thesaurum desiderabilem, contemplationis suavitatem. Hæc autem adveniens, prædictorum
trium laborem remunerat, dum cœlestis rore dulcedinis animam sitientem inebriat. Lectio ergo est secundum exterius exercitium :
Meditatio secumdum interiorem intellectum : Oratio secundum desiderium : Contemplatio super omnem sensum. Primus
gradus est incipientium, secundus est proficientium, tertius est devotorum, quartus beatorum.
Hi autem gradus ita concatenati
sunt, et vicaria ope sibi invicem deserviunt, quod præcedentes sine subsequentibus aut parum, aut nihil prosunt : sequentes
vero sine præcedentibus, aut raro, aut numquam haberi possunt. Quid enim prodest lectione continua tempus occupare, sanctorum
gesta et scripta legendo transcurrere, nisi ea etiam masticando et ruminando succum eliciamus, et transglutiendo usque ad
cordis intima transmittamus, ut ex his diligenter consideremus statum nostrum, et studeamus eorum opera agere, quorum facta
cupimus lectitare ?
Sed quomodo hæc cogitabimus,
aut quomodo cavere poterimus, ne falsa aut inania quædam meditando, limites a sanctis Patribus constitutos transeamus, nisi
prius circa hujusmodi ante ex lectione aut ex auditu fuerimus instructi ? Auditus enim quodammodo pertinent ad lectione.
Unde solemus dicere, non solum libros ipso nos legisse quos nobis ipsi vel aliis legimus, sed illos etiam quos a magistris
audivimus. Item quid prodest homini si per meditationem quæ agenda sunt videat, nisi orationis auxilio, et Dei gratia ad ea
obtinenda convalescat ? Omne siquidem datum optimum, et omne donum perfectum desursum est, descendens a Patre
luminum, (Jacob 1) sine quo nihil possumus facere : sed ipse in nobis facit opera, non tamen omnino sine nobis, cooperatores
enim Dei sumus (1 Cor.3) sicut dicit Apostolus. Vult siquidem Deus ut eum adjuvemus, et ut ei advenienti et præstolanti
ad ostium, aperiamus sinum voluntatis nostræ, et ei consentiamus. Hunc consensum exigebat a Samaritana, quando dicebat :
Voca virum tuum, (Jn 4) quasi diceret : Volo tibi infundere gratiam, tu applica liberum arbitrium. Orationem exigebat
an ea, cum dicebat : Tu si scires donum Dei, et quis est qui dicit tibi : Da mihi bibere, forsitan petiisses
ab eo aquam vivam. Hoc audito, quasi ex lectione mulier instructa, meditata est in corde suo bonum sibi fore et utile
habere hanc aquam. Accensa ergo habendi desiderio, convertit se ad orationem, dicens : Domine da mihi han aquam, ut
non sitiam amplius, neque veniam huc haurire aquam (Jn 4). Ecce auditus verbi Domini, et sequens super eo meditation
incitaverunt eam ad orandum. Quomodo namque esset sollicita ad postulandum, nisi prius eam accendisset meditatio ? Aut
quid ei præcedens meditatio contulisset, nisi quæ appetenda monstrabat, sequens oratio impetrasset ? Ad hoc ergo ut fructuosa
sit meditatio, oportet ut sequatur orationis devotio, cujus quasi effectus est contemplationis dulcedo.
Ex his possumus colligere,
quod lectio sine meditatione arida est, meditatio sine lectione erronea, oratio sine meditatione est tepida, meditatio sine
oratione infructuosa : oratio cum devotione contemplationis acquisitiva ; contemplationis adeptio sine oratione,
aut rara aut miraculosa. Deus, cujus potenti1a non est numerus vel terminus, et cujus misericordia super omnia opera ejus,
quandoque ex lapidibus suscitat filios Abrahæ, dum duros et nolentes acquiescere cogit ut velint : et ita quasi prodigus,
ut vulgo dici solet, bovem cornu trahit, quando non vocatus se infundit. Quod etsi quandoque aliquibus legimus contigisse,
ut Paulo et quibusdam aliis ; non tamen ideo debemus nos, quasi Deum tentando divina præsumere, sed facere quod ad nos
pertinet : legere scilicet et meditari in lege Dei, orare ipsum ut adjuvet infirmitatem nostram, et videat imperfectum
nostrum ; quod ipse docet nos facere, dicens : Petite et accipietis ; quærite, et invenietis ; pulsate
et aperietur vobis (Jn 16). Nunc enim regnum cœlorum vim patitur, et violenti rapiunt illud (Mt 11). Ecce
ex præsignatis distinctionibus perspici possunt prædictorum graduum proprietates, quomodo sibi cohæreant, et quid singuli
in nobis efficiant.
Beatus homo, cujus animus
a ceteris negotiis vacuus, in his quatuor gradibus versari semper desiderat, qui venditis universis quæ habuit, emit agrum
illum, in quo latet thesaurus desiderabilis, scilicet vacare et videre quam suavis est Dominus : qui in primo gradu exercitatus,
in secundo circumspectus, in tertio devotus, in quarto supra se levatus, per has ascensiones, quas in corde suo disposuit,
ascendet de virtute in virtutem, donec videat Deum deorum in Sion ! Beatus cui in hoc supremo gradu vel modico tempore
conceditur manere, qui vere potest dicere : ecce sentio gratiam Domini ; ecce cum Petro et Johanne gloriam ejus
in monte contemplor ; ecce cum Jacob plerumque Rachelis amplexibus delector ! Sed caveat sibi iste, ne post contemplationem
istam qua elevatus fuerit usque ad cœlos, inordinato casu corruat usque ad abyssos, nec post Dei visionem ad lascivos
mundi actus et carnis illecebras convertatur. Cum vero mentis humanæ acies infirma veri luminis illustrationem diutius sustinere
non poterit, ad aliquem trium graduum, per quos ascenderat, leviter et ordinate descendat ; et alternatim modo in uno,
modo in altero, secundum modum liberi arbitrii, pro ratione loci et temporis demoretur, tanto jam Deo vicinior, quanto a primo
gradu remotior. Sed heu fragilis et miserabilis humana conditio ! Ecce ductu rationis et scripturarum testimoniis aperte
videmus in his quatuor gradibus bonæ vitæ perfectionem contineri, et in eis spiritualis hominis exercitium debere versari.
Sed quis est qui hunc vivendi tramitem teneat ? Quis est hic, et laudabimus eum ? Velle multis adjacet, sed perficere
paucis. Et utinam de istis paucis essemus.
Sunt autem quatuor causæ,
quæ retrahunt nos plerumque ab istis gradibus, scilicet inevitabilis necessitas, honestæ actionis utilitas, humana infirmitas,
mundialis vanitas. Prima est excusabilis, secunda tolerabilis, tertia miserabilis, quarta culpabilis. Illis enim quos hujusmodi
novissima causa a sancto proposito retrahit, melius erat gloriam Dei non cognoscere, quam post agnitam retroire. Quam utique
excusationem habebit iste de peccato ? Nonne ei juste potest dicere Dominus : Quid debui tibi facere, et non
feci ? (Is 5) Non eras, et creavi te : peccasti, et diaboli servum te feceras, et redemi te : in mundi
circuitu cum impiis currebas, et elegi te. Dederam tibi gratiam in conspectu meo, et volebam facere apud te mansionem :
tu vero despexisti me, et non solum sermones meos, sed meipsum projecisti retrorsum, et ambulasti post concupiscentias tuas.
Sed, o Deus bone, suavis et mitis, amicus dulcis, consiliarius prudens, adjutor fortis, quam inhumanus, quam temerarius est
qui te abjicit ! qui tam humilem, tam mansuetum hospitem a suo corde repellit ! O quam infelix et damnosa commutatio !
Creatorem suum abjicere, et pravas noxiasque cogitationes recipere ! Illum etiam secretum cubile Spiritus Sancti, secretum
cordis, quod paulo ante cœlestibus gaudiis intendebat, tam subito immundis cogitationibus et peccatis tradere conculcandum !
Adhuc in corde calent sponsi vestigia, et jam intromittuntur adulterina desideria ! Male conveniens et indecorum est
aures quæ modo audierunt verba quæ non licet homini loqui, tam cito inclinari ad fabulas et detractiones audiendas :
oculos, qui sacris lacrymis modo baptizati erant, repente converti ad videndas vanitates : linguam, quæ modo dulce epithalamium
decantaverat, quæ ignitis, et persuasoriis eloquiis suis cum Sponso reconciliaverat sponsa, et introduxerat eam in cellam
vinariam, iterum converti ad vana eloquia, ad scurrilitates, ad concinandum dolos, ad detractiones. Absit a nobis, Domine.
Sed si forte ex humana infirmitate ad talia dilabimur, non ideo desperemus, sed iterum recurramus ad clementem Medicum, qui
suscitat de terra inopem, et erigit de stercore pauperem (Ps 112), et qui non vult mortem peccatoris ; iterum curabit
et sanabit nos. Jam tempus est ut epistolæ finem imponamus. Oremus ergo Deum ut impedimenta quæ nos ab ejus contemplatione
retrahunt, in præsenti nobis mitiget, in futuro nobis penitus auferat : qui per prædictos gradus de virtute in virtutem
nos perducat, donec videamus Deum deorum in Sion : ubi electi non guttatim, non interpolatim percipient divinæ contemplationis
dulcedinem, sed torrente voluptatis indesinenter repleti, habebunt gaudium quod nemo tollet ab eis, et pacem incommutabilem,
pacem in Idipsum.
Tu ergo, frater mi Gervasi,
si quando datum tibi fuerit desuper prædictorum graduum celsitudinem conscendere, memento mei, et ora pro me, cum bene fuerit
tibi, et qui audit, dicat : Veni.